Beating the Blues - virtually
Ultrasis Beating the Blues™ utilises computer technology
to deliver Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for the treatment
of anxiety and depression.
Beating the Blues is a cost effective and time efficient way of
helping people suffering with anxiety and depression to get better
and stay better.
Integrating best practice in psychological therapies with advanced
multimedia software, Beating the Blues provides clinically proven,
drug-free treatment which helps health service providers and occupational
health professionals to identify and manage their caseload with
motivating and engaging tools at the point of care. The programme
was developed and evaluated in clinical randomized controlled trials
by the Ultrasis team and Dr Judy Proudfoot at the Institute of Psychiatry,
Kings College London with her research colleagues: Professor Sir
David Goldberg, Professor Jeffrey Gray, Professor Isaac Marks and
Professor Anthony Mann.
Beating the Blues is an 8-session, practice-based, facilitated
self-help treatment programme designed for use by patients with
no previous computer experience. During the 8-session programme
users identify specific problems and realistic treatment goals.
They go on to work through 7 cognitive modules focusing of identifying
and challenging automatic thoughts, thinking errors and distractions,
core beliefs and attributional styles. Interwoven with these cognitive
elements are problem directed behavioural components where patients
work on any two of activity scheduling, problem solving, graded
exposure, task breakdown or sleep management according to their
specific problems. The final module looks at action planning and
relapse prevention.
Beating the Blues utilizes a range of multimedia capabilities.
It features a series of filmed case studies of fictional patients
who are used to model both the symptoms of anxiety and depression
and their treatment by cognitive behavioural therapy, as well as
animations, voice-over and interactive modules.
Beating the Blues has been through significant independent clinical
randomized control trials. The results of these trials, published
in Psychological Medicine , demonstrate that Beating the Blues is
an effective treatment for anxiety and depression, helping patients
feel better for longer and be more able to live normal lives both
at home and at work than those receiving traditional care. Patients
using Beating the Blues benefit from 30 additional depression free-days
in the 6 months after treatment.
Beating the Blues is used in 40 sites within National Health Service
Primary Care Trusts, Community Mental Health Trusts and specialist
CBT services as a treatment option for anxiety and depression, and
is now being offered in the United States.
For more information please contact Ultrasis on 0207 600 6777. To
see a flash presentation