The sign
You're finding hair everywhere - except on top. The likely culprit
Not enough calories. "Dipping below 1000 calories a day deprives your
body of the energy and nutrients it needs to regenerate hair cells," says
nutritionist Cindy Moore. The fix
Never drop below 1800 calories a day.
The sign
You're snapping at colleaguse The likely culprit
A low carbohydrate diet. Researchers at MIT found that cutting carbs can
lower levels of mood boosting chemical serotonin over time. The fix
Eat fibre rich wholegrains with every meal, advises study author Judith
The sign
You' can't concentrate The likely culprit
Skipping breakfast. Researchers at Bristol University found that people
who dodged their cornflakes had focus problems. The fix
Eat within an hour of waking.Rushed? Make it easy: a handful of almonds
or an apple
The sign
Too much toilet time The likely culprit
A diet low in fibre or an intolerance to dairy. The fix
Slowly boost your fibre intake until you're eating roughly 35g a day from
wholegrains, vegetables and fruit.Still sick? Skip dairy for a week, then
have milk or cheese. If you're lactose intolerant you'll find out fast.
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